As of version 5.1 you can obtain weather information for Connectstats activities if you use the new service I implemented using Garmin Health API and DarkSky. But in order to access it there are a few things to know and do.
The weather will only be added to new activities, once you have started using the new service, which is not currently the default in the app.
To enable the new service, you should go to your config page in Service and accounts and change the Source for the Garmin information to be All
as below.

Note that if you do that it should preserve the history you have already downloaded from the Garmin Connect website and only start downloading new activities from the new ConnectStats service. Note that in case of issue you can always revert to only using the Garmin Website as a source.
New activities after you have completed the first login will start having the weather information added.
The reason I didn’t back populate the weather on older activities is both technical, as trying to back populate the older activities was a bit tricky to handle and cost, as I was worried it would make too many request to the weather API and start costing too much.