Table of Contents
Crashes and Bugs
One of the scary aspect of publishing an app like ConnectStats is the fact that there is so much potential for pushing out bugs and have the application crash or display incorrect information given the variety of devices, usages and activities people look at.
Crashes and many bugs are usually easy to fix once I can reproduce them, but often the information included in a bug report are far from enough to reproduce the issue and fix it.
If you are willing, here are two procedures to send me all the information in your set up of the app so I can try to reproduce your crash.
Please note that in no circumstances will your password to any service be sent as it is saved in the secure key chain of your device, not by the app itself.
How to send a bug report with minimum data for debugging
You can send a bug report by selecting Bug Report Include Activity as Below
When you do this, the list of activities and the data necessary to reproduce the statistics over time will be sent along with the information about the currently selected activity.
How to send all your data for debugging
You’ll need to first connect your device to a computer and launch Finder. Your phone should appear on the left bar, select the files
You need to then select and expand ConnectStats, and press Ctrl-a in the Documents section, this will select all the files.
Then you need to copy by drag and drop all the files into a new folder.
From the Finder, locate the folder where you saved all the files and right click and Compress it. You can then email me the zip file. This should contains all the information for me to reproduce your context and try to solve your crash.
Note that if you follow this, all your activity information will be available to me but NO account or password information will be included. I will only use it to debug and fix the problem, but you need to be comfortable with that before you send it. I do this alone, so no one else will have access to this data.