It had been a while, but this week, ConnectStats started to fail to access the data from Garmin’s website due to a change on the API.
As usual, I have removed the app from sales while I sort it out, and disabled the bug reporting.
I have now figured out a fix, and will push it to the store very soon after some testing, likely before this weekend (April 20). As soon as the fix out approved by apple, I’ll put the app back on sales and people should be able to update and get it working again.
Really appreciate you fixing this every time Garmin change the API. Thank you.
Thanks! On DCrainmaker I read about upcoming API changes at Garmin that were announced on the connect IQ symposium. Might be interesting to read on his site.
thanks for the tip, I hadn’t seen, but you are right. I actually just submitted an application to get access to that API from Garmin. Let’s hope they approve me.
Thanks — this is my favorite data review app. Wouldn’t trade it for Strava or Garmin Connect.
Thanks. Your app is very, very good.
Thank you! Love your app!!
Your efforts are much appreciated!
Perfect hope it’s fixed soon ! thank you love this app !
Thanks for the info! Excellent service!
Thank you! This has been my favorite running stats app for 6 years – really appreciate the continuing work to keep it working!
Great! Thank you – love the App, it is so useful!!