Many spurious activities continue to be sent by the Garmin Service that connectstats currently uses.
I will likely be able to push a fix for this during the weekend. The good news I anticipate the app will be able to delete all the spurious activities that are sent from the Garmin API.
Garmin is also now providing a new service, which I am working on integrating and will avoid all the Garmin API issues in the future, but this takes time.
As always, thanks a lot for your fixes.
.Thx for the update. Really like the app.
Thank you Brice for all of your ongoing work to keep this great app going.
Much appreciated.
I am finding many swims and hikes and runs I have not done. I only cycle! Hopefully this can be fixed.
Big kudos for the app. Quick question: how do I delete an unwanted activity?
in the latest version you can ignore an activity (draw to the right the cell in the activity list). The app can’t delete the activities as it’s just showing what is on another service (Strava or Garmin)
Hey, possibly found a bug where Garmin Multisports activities aren‘t counted in the overall stats. I my triathlon isn’t showing in the stats graph even though it’s bee downloaded and visible in the activities section.
Could you send me a bug report with your activities so I can take a look?
Bug report sending seems to be disabled
Ah, right! I forgot to re-enable, let me do that shortly
Thanks for the bug report. Was a bug due to the method used to try to detect duplicate activities. This is now fixed https://github.com/roznet/connectstats/issues/35
My Multisport activities still dont count 🙁