Yet another small change in the garmin API (related to the weather), that result in a crash of the app. I have put so many guards around the code for API change, but seems there is always one I am missing..
I am pushing a new version to the store, so hopefully this should fix most of the recently reported crashes.
Speedy response as usual. Thanks very much. Greatly appreciated
Just downloaded the new version. Works well. Thanks
Where did you find it, I’m on an iPad and can’t seem to update?
Thank you so much for everything you do and have done — to create this terrific app, and to maintain it so diligently. I hope this isn’t entirely a thankless task…but thank you!
Thank you! Appreciate the quick resolution. Great app!
Great app. Thanks!!!
The only issue I still have, the app won’t load more than 20 activities, even when with “force reload old activities”…
Thank you.
I tried to delete account / erase cache files etc etc…
Brilliant – solved the issue the same day I saw it! Still use the app daily next to Garmin connect and the stryd app – your implementation of the power-time curve is better than theirs! Freek
Deleted an reloaded the ap but only picks up last 2 years of old activities?..tried forced reload but only 2 years load. I really appreciate the ap – use it every day. How do I pick up the activity more than 2 yrs old. Thanks,
Lucky you! 2 years! I can reload 20 activities only
This problem affects several people but I have a hard time to reproduce. If some one mind to temporary change their password and email me username/pwd for me to test I will try to fix
Happy to help! Where can I find your email?
My current profile shows a default limit of 1999 activities when I reinstall and load history – that appears by coincidence to be about 2 years history. I can send my username/ pwd outside this chain from Much appreciated!
I might have a clue. I had to restore (factory default) my device a couple a weeks ago. Sounds like your app will upload only the activities I did since this last reset…
Wrong lead. I tried again to delete cache files / erase app / reinstall / load activities… only the 20 last one were loaded.
Brice, let me know where can I find your email to send you login/pass to my Garmin, account, as you asked for. I would be very happy if it could help you. Thanks again for your amazing work / app. Thanks
Hi Brice,
Since a couple of day, I’m getting an error message when I open the app : “Error updating” (but the last activities will be downloaded anyways).
I’m seeing this ‘error updating’ message too (on 27th August 2018, but activities all load OK.
yes, this is an issue. will post update soon