
Access Denied with Strava

ConnectStats version 6.7 has a new method to authenticate with Strava. If you have issues please go to the config/service page and force a logout, login of strava.

Synchronization issue with Garmin Connect

If you make modification to your activity in the Garmin Connect Website, for instance delete an activity or modify the distance or other edit it will not reflect properly in ConnectStats when you use the new Garmin Health API service.

While I am working on fixing this, you can switch back to the old Garmin Service, by going to config, Services and Accounts, Garmin and selecting for the source Garmin Web Site.

If you have a specific activity (or activities) that need to be synchronised, one way to fix it is to select the oldest activity, in the config page, select profiles and delete some activities. It will remove from the app all the activities until the one currently selected. Then go to the services page and switch the source to Garmin Web Site.The next time you trigger a refresh it should bring back the activities with the modifications you did on the Garmin web site.

Login issue with Garmin

  • Check this link which has some setup documentation for both Garmin and Strava
  • Check your name or password. Sounds silly, but still had a few people realized they had the wrong password
  • You have both a user name and an email address that sometime can be accepted by garmin for login. Try both to login and make sure you enter the case exactly as you see it in your profile on the garmin connect website.
  • Your garmin account needs to be switched to the modern version of Garmin Connect. This is because the classic API is being decommissioned and ConnectStats now uses the modern API. If your account isn’t switched it will fail.
  • Make sure you can from a web browser connect to the garmin web site and see the activities you are expecting
  • Try to pull down from the activity list in the app at least two times to make sure you consistently get the error message. After a failure the app will try to delete cookie and force a login.
  • Try to fully close the app and restart it. (Press home button twice, then the minus sign on the app to close it)
  • If you have special characters in your password sometimes it will prevent the app to login via the direct method.
  • Several people had proxy, vpn or other security related filters preventing the app to access the garmin service. This results in a “Parsing Failed” error. To check if that’s your case, connect to the garmin web side from the safari browser on your mobile device, then try to go to the following link. Make sure you get data for your activities rather than an error message.
  • There is a problem with the garmin service that affected a few people. This results in partial download and a “Service Temporarily Unavailable” during download. To check if you are affected by that issue, you can login to the garmin web side and in the Activities Tab check if you can iterate through all your pages of activities with the number at the bottom. If you can’t, the app won’t be either and you should contact garmin to investigate your account.
  • Check if the time on your iphone or ipad is correct, the best is to make sure the time on the device is automaticaly updated. If your device time is off it can make the garmin authentification fail.
  • If all above fails or is not applicable, it appears that most people got it working by uninstalling/reinstalling the app
  • If you still can’t login at this point, send me a bug report from the settings page and if you include an email I’ll get back to you after looking at your logs to see if something special is happening for you. Please let me know if you have a special character in the password, it should work but was an issue before so you never know.


Crashes can be difficult for me to reproduce, here is some information if you are willing you can send me information for me to track the problem down

150 thoughts on “Troubleshoot

    • You need to connect your device via the garmin app, once it’s connected and uploaded to the web, your activities can appear in ConnectStats

  1. I use coonnectStats on the ipad. I am looged in to Strava. The refresh button doesen`t stop working. No data are transmitted! It`s my first sync with Strava.
    If syncing doesen`t work I cannot use the programm. I have to aks apple for returning money. There is no other way to contact you! Bug report is dissabled.Thanks

    • yes it’s a bug. I have a fix that I will push in a new version soon. By the way I recommend you try to connect your garmin account to strava directly, it works great now, and is better than uploading from connectstats I think.

  2. I can not login to Garmin Connect either my iPhone or my iPad. I always get invalid username or password. I use the same as in Garmin Connect.
    What am I doing wrong here?

  3. I deleted a run in Garmin connect. All run after that I get a note that that run was deleted do I want to delete. When I cancel it just keeps popping up. I have to delete all runs back to the date I deleted. No new runs will stay.

  4. Sa e problem for me: all new data from monday have this problem. Tryied to delete the cache or reinstall the app but i have the same result. Could BE a garmin connect portal problem?

  5. iPad is hung up after most recent update. Works fine on my iPhone. App icon on iPad is mode where it looks like it is updating and displays “waiting” under it. Tried to delete app and reinstall but it won’t let me delete it. Turned iPad off and back on and app still doing the same thing.

    • this is an issue with the app store/ios. If you google for “iphone app stuck on waiting” you’ll find a lot of suggest. Though usually cancel the update from the app store, and try again works, sometimes you need to turn off the iPad (after cancelling update) and restart.

  6. I deleted and reinstalled for other reasons. I was able to reconnect to Withings and it says that all past records, hundreds, sucessufully transferred but I cannot have graphs with weight trend made. Runs “preparing graph” for long time and nothing. How do of get my weight graphs back?

  7. I have been using connect stats from the very beginning. But since your last update was released my app simply crashes when opening it. I’m running IOS 9.3.1 on iPhone 6.
    Last week it worked like a charm. It crashes when it is starting to connect to garmin.
    Hope you can release a patch.

    • I will try to figure out the problem asap. Can you send me a bug report before the crash, could have some info. Apple provides some crash report but it takes a few days for me to see it.

      • I dont know if you got my crash report – i tried to post it in a comment but it is a loooong log. Do you have an email that i should use?

        • From the app, in settings your have a bug report. If you enter your email, I will have info about your bug and I will reply to you by email

  8. I have a vivoactive. It will sync in Garmin Connect on my iPhone and then show up on my lap top but I have trouble getting it to show up in Garmin Connect on my iPad.

  9. I am very new user. At the moment I have a mixture of running a inline skating activities. In Garmin Connect I have inline skating as OTHER I would like to have statistics just for running. Is it possible?

  10. Just purchased a Forerunner 235. Downloaded GarminConnectMobileApp on my iPad and logged in. When I complete the first page to register my new product, I keep getting “Network Connection Error”. I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling three times on both iPad and IPhone but same problem every time. I remember problems years ago when I purchased my old Forerunner – Garmin always seem to take me from elation to deep disappointment in 30 seconds! Any ideas please?

  11. Since a couple of days I get the same activity in my overview twice. One time via garmin and one time via strava. Everything is the same exept for the duration of the activity. How can i get rit of the doubles?

    • Hi. Someone just sent me a similar issue via bug report recently. The issue was that both garmin and strava account are enabled. If you don’t need both, disable one. If you need both, there is a logic to identify duplicate based on the duration among other values. Strava duration is the elapsed duration, while garmin is the duration while the timer is on. So can be different, and it fools the duplicate detection. I will fix in a later version to check the total elapsed duration in both, but until this is released you should disable one of the two services

  12. I have been having a “Garmin: Service Internal Error” error for a week now. I tried deleting my garmin account and the app. Problem still persists. Has garmin made an API change again? App is not currently useable.

  13. Downloaded connectstats app after I deleted it when I got login problems. Reloaded all my garmin connect data. 2 problems:
    1. Strava headers (Afternoon ride) rather than Garmin headers randomly appear on the app data with distances in kilometers rather than than miles.
    2. Average bpm in splits does not now correspond to that shown in the garmin connect splits

  14. For some reason Garmin-Connect was unable to sync my latest activity. So I copied the FIT-file and uploaded it to Garmin-Connect directly. Some time ago I did exactly the same and it worked. But now, in Garmin-Connect on the site AND in the IOS-app the activity appear without any problem but in Connect-Stats I’m getting a “Garmin Parsing Failure”. Is this problem related to the same cause that prevented Garmin-Connect from syncing this activity. I compared this activity with an earlier one but couldn’t find any difference. Strange! How can I solve this?

  15. I am a Chinese user.The tracks on the map is totally diviated. There is a “map matching” button on the garmin connect app on my phone, If I havn’t click this button, the tracks on my phone is just as same as the track on Connectstats app.When I click it, the tracks move to the accurate place. But there is not a “map matching” button on Connectstats app.I really love this App,Could you help me sovle this problem? Maybe all the Chinese users are facing to this problem,because the GPS rules in China is not the same as Others.

  16. I have a Samsung S4 and installed the Connect Mobile app from the Play store. After I hit the Login button after launching the app, I see no user or password boxes and no way to login. I do not get any errors and the blue bar at top goes quickly like the app can’t connect and find the Garmin site. My wife has the same exact phone with the same version of android OS and most of the same setting. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Connect Mobile app many times and played with different phone settings but I can not isolate why this behavior is happening. I figured it was a permission issue or time/time zone or some other issue but my settings are the same as my wife’s phone where the app works. Any ideas? Is there some log file or some way I can see the HTTP traffic or something else top try and figure out why I get this strange behavior with the Connect Mobile app? I have not seen any other posting anywhere with a similar problem and others at least get the login screen to enter their information before running into any issues and I do not every get to see the login screen after I press the initial Login button.

    • Also, I can get to the site via a browser on my phone and have tried via wireless and cellular connections and still same behavior with the mobile app. I have uninstalled applications I thought could possibly be conflicting. Looked at most settings and compared and set like my wife’s phone that works properly, but still no luck. I really don’t want to reset my phone and this is the only application that is not working correctly.

        • I get the same can not connect using the Android app. Works great using my work IPhone though. I suspect another android app is conflicting. I have no idea how to find the conflicting app though.

          • ConnectStats only works on iOS, on android you must have issue with another app and should contact that app developer.. sorry.

  17. Any change of a future web site with data upload and analysis like in the Connect Stat app?
    What method is used to calculate the fitness and fatigue values? I have seen similar calculations on TrainingPeaks website, but is the method the same (TSS)?

    • No, I don’t really have resources to build a website and I think Strava’s site is quite good, so not sure it would add much value to create a new one.
      For the fitness and fatigue, it’s not using the TSS (Not sure the formula for that), but it’s a simple weighted (distance and HR or power) moving average with different period (long/short) for fitness and fatigue.

  18. I have a Samsung S6 and installed the Connect Mobile app from the Play store. After I hit the Login button after launching the app, I see no user or password boxes and no way to login.

    • ConnectStats is not supported on android, you must have trouble with Garmin own app and should reach out to
      Garmin support. Thanks!

  19. I am doing some training on a Tacx Ergotrainer. It is than synchronzed to strava where the activity is saved as “Indoor Cycling Training”. In connect stats it then appears as “ski sport / Multisport”. But I would to have it as a cycling category so the distance trained is inlcuded in the statistic for cycling

  20. I just download the app and sync successfully with Strava. But only 5 runs are imported. Please I need help from support. At this point this app is useless to me.

  21. Hello,
    I noticed that ConnectStats used to provide Stride Length but it seems that it has now disappeared. I don’t find it neither in the garmin app, anynidea on what is happening ? I have a vivoactive HR. Thanks and long life to this amazing data app.

  22. Connect stats crashes (new) every time I attempt to open it on my iPhone 7+ ios 10.3.2. I have fully updated your product and it stiill happens. Crashes right after data is parsed.

    Grant Willey

  23. Logs in and downloads info and crashes after 1-2 seconds. Has never worked better than this since May despite updates.

  24. Brice, can we expect an update shortly? It’s not working properly for a few months now. Knowing the update is coming, makes the waiting not so hard 🙂

  25. i am trouble paring my Forerunner 235 with my Iphone, I always get a try again message in my garmin watch and pairing unsuccessful in my iphone (garmin connect)

    Can you please assist on how to fix this problem?

  26. Have been using this app for a year however after latest update 26 FEB 2018 app crashes when trying to download Strava data

    • Thanks for your loyalty and sorry there was a bug affecting you. There was a bug affecting many users, assuming you have the same issue (likely) should be fixed soon as I submitted a new version to Apple today

  27. Hello,
    I contact you about two problems with CONNECTSTATS

    1/ on my iPhone (last version of IOS) i had my stats from 2013.
    This morning when i open CS, i show only 2018/17 and 2016 …
    After several test, reload, i erease the profil, and after it was impossible to download any activity 🙁

    2/ to check i look my iPad, and i saw i works fine expect there is nothing about the 2017 years and my 1300 km of run 🙁

  28. I broke my ankle and so have only today stated reusing Garmin/Strava. However the app crashes when trying to download now. His happens on both my iPhone 8 and my iPad. It logs into Garmin ok and starts to download today’s data that seems ok but then I see downloading weather just briefly before being returned to the home screen. Tried lots of times and so I thought I would delete the app and start again. Same thing. I tried loading and switching to the config menu to send you a msg but he app was never stable enough to be able to do so. Any ideas?

  29. Hi,

    I’m trying to setup my Strava account inside this app. My Strava account is linked to my Google one. But when I’m trying to log in, the Google API rejects the request because apparently this cannot be done inside an app. It has to be done outside, via Safari.

    Is there a way around this?


    P.S.: I’m on iOS

  30. Hi
    No way to connect my Garmin account with ConnectStats. I use an iPad (latest os x), I checked my password and Garmin ID and evend changed them to have no special chatacterin them.
    I connect with Strava and Komoot without any trouble, I restarted and redownloaded the app various times. It alway says « invalid name or password ».
    Thanks for your help, your App looks great!
    Please reach me by email.

  31. Hi,
    unfortunatley Zwift Runs (Virtual Runs) do not count to run statistics. Even the activity ist reproductively wrong (multi-sports). Why do Zwift Rides count to cycling stats, but Zwift Runs don’t? Could you fix the bug?
    Thx a lot

  32. Great app. Downloaded all my Garmin runs, but when I add my Strava feed too I end up with lots of duplicates (but where the data, confusingly, has sometimes been recorded slightly differently). How do I ensure it records only real runs that I’ve actually done? I’ve gained another 3,000+ kms

    • Interesting. ConnectStats is supposed to identify duplicates, could you send me a bug report including activity reports, so I can take a look at why the detection would fail?

      • Thanks Brice. It doesn’t appear to let me send a bug report. When I try to do so, the app closes. Or does it appear at your end? Running it on an iPhone XR.

        Looking at the data duplicates again, they appear to be for quite random runs. They have similar, but not exactly the same, data headlines but the detail is not the same. And I can open one of each pair, but not the other. All at a time when I was running with a Garmin only.

        Any other way I can get the data to you? Thanks for your help. It really is a great app BTW, which is why I want to get it working properly with Connect for my Garmin and Strava for the occasional Apple Watch runs.

  33. Hi, it seems that I am getting the results for everyone !! When I do an activity and it updates I get up to 10 results for every day, not just my 1 activity. And these are from all over the world and types of activities I don’t do like riding, hiking, swimming …… I only do running. Is this a bug and are you working on it now ?? Note, this started this week but not drops in activities going back 2-3 months that are not mine. HELP !!

  34. Hi
    Lisa Green is here. I was reading your article and it contains a lot of wide information. This wide information will help users and new customers a lot. Keep sharing this kind of information with us.
    If you having any issue while using Garmin Express, contact us. Call us at 1866-218-1141 (tollfree). We are 24*7 hours available.

  35. Since the since the latest release I have been unable to upload my activity to Strava

    It may be because of a bug. And, most probably you are using connectstats and trying to upload the activity from there. You should, instead, try uploading the data directly than going through an extra layer as it somehow affects the procedure. You can connect your Garmin device directly to your Strava account and easily do this. Also, you can do this using Garmin Express app. For detailed procedures, follow this guide. In case, you are facing an issue when using Garmin Express program, click here. For any further assistance, you can contact Garmin Experts and get your issues resolved in no time.


    • Yes, I have removed the functionality from ConnectStats as connecting your account to Strava directly as described here is much better. This feature in connectstats is old from the days the direct connection didn’t exist, but it’s not needed anymore

  36. Hello

    I am using iPhone SE on iOS12.4.

    This is great app. I downloaded all my Garmin runs.

    But I have a problem.

    The cell height of the day of the week in the calendar is low.

    Please confirm the problem and can you solve it?

    I can show a image file to you by email.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you

  37. Hi, your app is excellent. The problem is that you don’t support old devices. :-

    My IPAD has the version 10.3.3 of IOS, and the last version available of your app is 4.5 and i have problem to do login to Garmin Connect and Strava (I receive an error that say “Parsing failed”).

    Would help to me to use your App in my IPAD (worked until I had that resinstall this app).

    Luis Arturo

    • Apple make significant changes to its operating system over time and it is just impractical for me to keep maintaining old version, mostly because it’s hard to test and maintain multiple branches of the code to support old iOS.

      Very sorry about that.

  38. Hi Brice, great app, been using it since 2014 I just looked up! I have one problem now however, a strava: parsing error. My last activity i could upload was from Nov 5th but doesn’t show a map. Any activities after will not load.
    Any suggestions? Regards, Richard

  39. I’m getting an error message saying Strava – parsing failed, when trying to download the last couple of rides. Can you help with a solution/fix to sort this out?

    • This happened to me. Brice recommended installing the update then go in to settings, log out of Strava then log in again. It worked!😀

  40. Hi I’m getting an error message “Error updating Strava: parsing failed” There seems to have been a problem for the past two weeks because the last activity logged and stats provided was two weeks ago. I followed the advice above re the proxy, vpn security filters causing the parsing failed which recommends going to “the following link” but the link doesn’t open only resulting in a “400 Bad request” message. The ConnectStats app is awesome and I don’t want to lose all my data. Any advice?

    • I’ll write a more detail post soon, but there was a change in the strava api, which resulted in an issue for the app the authenticate. The workaround is to log out from the config/services/strava page. But as of this morning I also pushed a new version that should try to log out automatically if that happens.

  41. The app no longer downloads activities from Garmin. The activities are uploaded to my Garmin Connect account but it does not download to the ConnectStats app. This only started recently. The app logs in without error (as far as I can tell) and no errors appear.

  42. Hi,
    Great app!
    At some point the application starting charting activity times which include time the timer is stopped. Is there a way to plot just the activity times for which you are moving and timer is running?

  43. I use ConnectStats on iPad with Garmin login. For a long time I had no problems but for some days it opens and after a few seconds it closes without messages. Thank you

    • Yes, i had an issue with my server that resulted in corrupted files. I will put a post to explain soon. For now I am fixing the corrupted file from backup but it takes a while. I will also push a new version of the app that will not crash on corrupted files of this type

  44. ConnectStats is crashing all the time on my iPhone 10X on iOS 13.3.1. Can you have a look at this? I use your app all the time, fantastic app!

    • What do you do when it crashes? Do you have chance to send a bug report?
      There was a situation on my server last week, but I thought it was fixed now. I maybe able to tell from the bug report.

      • When I open ConnectStats, it does it’s normal update, reading data from Garmin, and then closes. It’s still an active app but I can’t view the data anymore as it closes immediately. How do I send a bug report? More than happy to help since it’s a great app.

        • I receive crash report from apple. Though I can’t match it to individual instance, there is one that happens a few times for which I am going to push a bug fix. It may fix yours as well

  45. The app is crashing on both my iphone and Ipad. I tried to send a bug report. At that point it said there were 12 errors, but then it crashed before I could submit the report, and now it says there are no errors. It crashed again before I could try to submit a bug report a second time. I tried rebooting my IPhone, but that made no difference. I can’t see that there is anything in particular causing the crashes, as they occur somewhat randomly within 15 or 20 seconds (or less) of starting the app. I have the latest IOs versions on both devices.

    • This is a bit unusual. The crash report I got from apple seem to indicate crash when updating. I suggest you wait until the new version and see it if behaves better (version 5.4.2)

  46. Hi,
    I have an issue with Strava: 849 Activities and only 821 are downloaded. All other 3rd party apps can fetch all the 849 activities, but I don’t see them all in Connectstats. I’ve tried to force a reload, reinstalled the app, re-authorized the app. No success. There’re also no errors reported in the app. Any ideas?

  47. I am having the same issue with the latest update as I had in March. The app crashes on both my IPhone and Ipad within seconds of starting it. There’s no way I can get to the crash report section of the settings section. It appears to have successfully downloaded my latest activity on my Ipad. That data was on my IPhone before I updated. I tried rebooting the Ipad but it made no difference.

    • yes, there was a mistake made in yesterday’s release, but there is a correct one pending approval from apple, hopefully today (version 6.3.2)

        • Hi, unfortunately it’s quite involved to keep an app up to date and at the same time working for older system. I don’t have the time for such a side project unfortunately. It’s currently no longer working for iOS 12.5 unfortunately.

  48. Great app. However it seems that various iOS updates make my interest in paddling really difficult. This sport seems to be all over the place between Other and Watersports.

  49. Incredibble app , used it for a couple of years. With great pleasure .
    Unfortunately  Since v8.0 it no longer wants to sync to strava,  get an error “message”:”Bad Request”,”errors”.   
    Deleted the app, reinstalled , all history gone, no connection to strava, not able to connect.    

      • Same. This is the error massage fron strava:
        {“message”:”Bad Request”,”errors”:[{“resource”:”Application”,”field”:”client_id”,”code”:”invalid”}]}

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